Unit C – Administration and Management

C.Ι Programme Period 2007 – 2013

For the 2007-2013 programme period, Unit C has the following competencies:

  1. It communicates with the Special Management Services of the P.A. Operational Programmes and keeps informed on invitations and funding prospects for Actions.
  2. It maintains the System of Management Adequacy of the Service, registers and benchmarks documents, procedures and printed material, in accordance with the existing institutional framework.
  3. It is responsible for organising and safeguarding the bureau’s archive.
  4. It manages issues pertaining to the personnel of the bureau, and particularly issues related to administrative, financial, organizational, material-technical, and educational matters.
  5. It organises and maintains a library of studies, documents and other printed aids.
  6. It maintains the protocol of the Service, is responsible for the electronic and physical transmission of documents, it processes correspondence with other Services, the National Printing Office and collective organs, and provides administrative support of the Service, as well.
  7. It is responsible for ensuring the publicity of tenders proclaimed by the Service, in accordance with the National and European Union law.
  8. It participates in the planning of Actions/Projects that are implemented by the Service and cooperates with other Units and competent directorates of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, so as to recommend the necessary legislative provisions or regulative-administrative acts, to ensure the unhindered completion of planned actions.
  9. It drafts tender proclamations, including draft contracts, following the submission by the competent B Units of technical specifications of the projects to be awarded.
  10. It conducts tenders, monitors their development, briefs the competent Units, and is responsible for the communication with the committees on the Conduct-Evaluation of tenders, on Objections and challenges to tenders, on receiving bids, and with prospective candidates. It takes care to renew the period offers and ensures that letters of guarantee remain in effect up until the tender deadline and the final handover of the project by the contractor, in cooperation with the competent Unit.
  1. It drafts the related administrative acts of the committees that conduct-evaluate tenders and objections-challenges, approving minutes and ratifying the result of tenders, as well as the text of the final contract or amendments thereto.
  2. It drafts invitations for declaration of interest for concluding contracts for works in the framework of implementation of Actions, upon the recommendation or request of the competent Units, and conducts all necessary procedures.
  3. It issues decisions for establishing, appointing and remunerating the committees that conduct and evaluate tenders, objections and challenges, as well as committees that receive completed projects.
  4. It drafts and sends to competent authorities the legally required registries pertaining to public contracts.
  5. It ensures that all procedures for awarded contracts are in accord with all provisions in effect, following the recommendation/request of competent units.
  6. It drafts a communication action plan for publicising work contracts, in accord with the communications plan of the relate Operational Programme, and ensures its implementation.
  7. It certifies copies of documents and the notarisation of signatures.
  8. It coordinates the drafting of answers to parliamentary questions and to media reports.
  9. It offers computer support to the entire Service, in cooperation with other Units, and it addresses the demands of all its information systems.
  10. It ensures the incessant operation, renewal and updating of the Service website, in cooperation with the other Units and the competent bureaus of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs.
  11. It is responsible for the upkeep and proper operation of the computers of the Service and for the protection of its electronic data.
  12. It drafts and maintains a registry of members of committees that conduct-evaluate tenders, objections/challenges, receipt of completed projects, or working groups, as well as individual experts and academics, for the implementation of projects that the Service undertakes.
  13. It provides legal support to the Service and in cooperation with competent Units, drafts questions to be submitted to the Office of the Legal Counselor of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, as well as reports that accompany the answer of the Service to candidates’ judicial challenges.
  14. It takes measures, in cooperation with the other Units, to resolve and answer legal issues, such as objections, challenges and extra-judicial protests.
  15. It drafts the proposal for comprehensive actions of Technical Support in cooperation with other Units, and submits this proposal for approval, and implements projects and actions in that framework.
  16. It monitors the implementation of works of Technical Support, of which the Service is the beneficiary, maintains data on the physical and economic object of these works, and issues the related administrative acts.
  17. It takes measures for the Technical Support division to disburse amounts owed to beneficiary.

C.ΙΙ Programme Period 2014 – 2020

For the 2014-2012, the responsibilities are the following:

  1. It manages issues pertaining to personnel and material-technical infrastructure, once needs are verified and the related requests of the Units are submitted, and particularly administrative, economic and organizational issues of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  2. It organises the training of personnel, once identified and requested by the Units, on issues related to the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  3. It manages issues and procedures pertaining to recommendations on the feasibility of the procurement, the procurement itself, its installation and the maintenance of all manner of material, equipment and facilities of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  4. It tends to the development, proper operation and development of information and communications systems of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  5. It ensures access to the Comprehensive Information System (OPS) for competent staff members of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  6. It maintains the protocol and the archive of the Service and is responsible for processing correspondence and transmission of documents of the Units and its personnel. It certifies copies and the authenticity of signatures, in accord with Article 1 of Law 4250/2014 (Government Gazette Α΄ 74).
  7. It organises and maintains a library of tools, studies, and necessary handbooks for the needs of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector.
  8. It creates specifications and drafts recommendations on feasibility and tends to the drafting of studies, research, expert reports, and handbooks related to the objectives of the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector, while taking into account the recommendations of other Units of the Service.
  9. It tends to the programming, assignment and execution of Actions of Technical Assistance, funded by exclusively national funds of the Public Investment Programme, Education Division, as well as managing the corresponding funds.
  10. In cases where the ESPA Executive Unit– Education Sector is the beneficiary of Actions/Technical Assistance Activity in the context of the P.A. 2014-2020, the Unit implements the provisions of Law 4314/2014, and Second Chance School obligations.
  11. It provides support for Implementing Projects in European Programmes.
  12. It drafts and submits to the competent Administrative Authorities the action plan for Technical Assistance in the context of the P.A. 2014-2020.
  13. It publicises tenders proclaimed by the Service, in compliance with National and EU law.
  14. It drafts tender proclamations, including the draft contract, once the competent B Units have submitted the technical specifications of the project of the contractors.
  15. It conducts tenders, monitors their development, briefs the competent Units, and is responsible for communications with the committees that Conduct-Evaluate Tenders, handle Objections and Challenges, and Receiving, as well as with candidate contractors. It takes care to renew the period that offers remain in effect and of the related guarantees, until the end of the tender and the definitive receiving of the projects from contractors, in cooperation with the competent unit.
  16. It drafts the relevant administrative acts of the committees on the conduct-evaluation of tenders on objections/challenges, and on the approval of minutes as well as the ratification of the results of the tenders, as well as on the final texts of the contracts or possible amendments to them.
  17. It drafts calls for interest for concluding project contracts or labour contracts in the framework of the implementation of actions, following the recommendation-request of the competent Units, and conducts all related procedures.
  18. It issues decisions for the establishment, appointment and remuneration of committees for the conduct-evaluation of tenders, and for objections-challenges, and of project receiving committees.
  19. It drafts and sends to the competent authorities all registries/data required by law for public contracts.
  20. It oversees all procedures for the awarding of contracts in accord with existing law and regulations, following the recommendation/request of the competent Units.
  21. It drafts and maintains a registry of members of the committees on the conduct-evaluation of tenders, on objections and challenges and on receiving, or working groups, as well as of individual experts and academics, for the implementation of projects that the Service undertakes.
  22. It provides legal support to the Service, and in cooperation with the related Units it drafts questions to be submitted to the Office of the Legal Counsel of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, as well as reports that accompany the reply of the Service to lawsuits filed by bidders before the courts.
  23. It acts in cooperation with other Units to resolve-respond to issues of a legal nature, such as objections, challenges, and extra-judicial complaints.
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