Unit A – Operational Planning PA 2014-2020

Α.Ι  For the 2007 – 2013 Programme Period, Unit A has the following competencies

  1. It disseminates Education Ministry Policies to the competent directorates and solicits their proposals.
  2. It is informed on the submission of Technical Bulletins from any bureau implementing competencies of the Education Ministry or otherwise, pertaining to the NSRF, regarding projects chosen by Ministerial Decisions for the education section, by submitting related data electronic through the institutions, to a specially created information system of the NSRF Staff Structure, which is organised, operated and monitored by Unit A.
  3. It is informed so as to take necessary actions to coordinate competent Directorates and supervised institutions, for the submission of proposals and/or implementation of actions or projects, regarding all Operational Programmes on education projects selected by Ministerial Decisions, as regards meeting deadlines for submitting and implementing ESPA projects.
  4. It is informed about the course of implementation of proclaimed and selected Actions/Works for all Operational Programmes, on projects selected by Ministerial Decisions regarding the ED ESPA Education Sector. This is achieved through the submission of updated data to the information system of the ED ESPA, at regular intervals, from all institutions involved in the implementation of these projects.
  5. It drafts periodic and annual reports on the results of implementing set objectives, as well as special memorandums and reports on the course and implementation of actions/projects regarding education, selected by Ministerial Decisions.
  6. It is informed so as to take necessary actions to coordinate and address problems in actions regarding education selected by Ministerial Decisions, and implemented through P.A. funding, so as to ensure supplementary actions and maximize their effectiveness.
  7. It participates in meetings to coordinate and handle problems with institutions involved in implementation of education projects selected by Ministerial Decisions and implemented with NSRF funding, either by an invitation of the Supervisor of the ED ESPA for education, or upon the request of the implementing institution.

 Α.ΙΙ Programme Period 2014-2020

For the programme period of 2014-2020, Unit A is competent for Operational Planning for the PA for 2014-2020, the Actions Planning and Overall Oversight of Projects or Actions, which are funded by the National Network of Research and Technology (EDET), the Operational Programme PA 2014-2020, and other programmes.

More specifically, it has the following competencies:

  1. It monitors the progress and development of PA Operational Programmes (ESPA) for 2014-2020, and other programmes, in order to find and ensure funding for Actions related to the Education Sector of the Ministry of Education, Research, and Religious Affairs.
  2. It monitors national and international development of policies of the Education, Research and Religious Affairs Ministry’s Education sector as regards the PA 2014-2020, and the related national and EU legal and regulative framework. It participates in technical meetings to monitor the progress of National Authorities with the EU, as regards the implementation of sectoral policies. It briefs the other Units when deemed necessary, and cooperates with Unit C to maintain the related archives.
  3. It cooperates with the remaining Structure Units, the Directorates and supervised institutions of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Education Sector, as well as the related social partners, in order to plan and specify related policies, to articulate and prioritise their needs, and to draft the related operational plan for the Education Sector, with the prospect of implementing Actions through the PA 2014-2020 Operational Plan and other programmes. It supports the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs in monitoring and revising the Operational Plan.
  4. It tables proposals and participates in specifying Priority Axes or particular objectives or categories of Actions of the PA 2014-2020 Operational Programme which correspond to the policies of the Education, Research and Religious Affairs Ministry, Education Sector, as well as in amending or revising them. To this end, it submits related proposals to the competent Administrative Authorities, as set out in Article 19 of Law 4314 of 2014, and the guidelines of the National Coordinating Authorities.
  5. It tables proposals and participates in drafting the content of invitations (calls) for Actions related to the policies of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, Education Sector, and the institutions it oversees, in order for the latest to be publicised by the competent Administrative Authority. It monitors the results of the said invitations as far as the implementation is concerned.
  6. It monitors overall progress of co-funded Actions of the Operational Plan of the Education Sector of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs, cooperating with Administrative Authorities to adopt measures to address problems when needed. It also monitors progress in achieving benchmarks in these actions, which contribute to the targets of the corresponding Operational Programme, and drafts periodic progress reports, including measures to address problems, to be submitted to the Minister of Education, Research and Religious Affairs and to the competent Operational Programme Directorates.
  7. It supports the Services and the supervised institutions of the Education, Research and Religious Affairs Ministry, during the planning of Actions/Projects that are in accordance with the Operation Plan of the Ministry’s Education sector, as regards the P.A. 2014-2020. Within this framework, it plans and recommends specifications, demands of maturation, and timetables of actions for the required preconditions of implementation of Actions/Projects, which are transmitted for implementation to the Education Sector, in the framework of the ESPA Operational Plan for 2014-2020.
  8. It recommends proposals for fashioning the appropriate legislative and regulative framework for implementing these Actions/Projects, in cooperation with the competent Units B, C, and D.
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