A new 72.6 million euro project, under the European Union’s “Human Resources Development, Education and Life Lifelong Learning” programme, will indisputably bolster special education in Greece at 1,420 primary and secondary schools nationwide.

The basic axes of the proposed project are as follows:

  1. Implementation of innovative teaching programmes by Special Education teachers in primary and secondary school education.
  2. Initiatives to inform and sensitize the public as well as publicize and promote the existence of new, expanded special education programmes.

The project aims to modernize the educational curriculum for students with disabilities or/and special education needs, by supporting Special Education Schools and induction classes , so that the educational offering will eventually meet the needs of all students, without distinction.

Taking into account the new guidelines of the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the project focuses on critical factors regarding the prerequisites in the quality and effectiveness in education in an effort to support Special Education Schools and induction classes.

Available digital educational material is used in order to implement new teaching approaches and special educational tools within the context of the project.

Mention should also be made of the fact that provisions are made to satisfy the needs for the specialized teaching and auxiliary teaching personnel so that the successful completion of the programmes will be ensured.

Programme of measures for individualised educational support of Students with Disabilities and/or Special Education Needs
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